Elgin’s turfgrass at Lords Park struggled to grow in rocky, compacted and thin soil. MGG’s Technical Assistance Program implemented soil restoration to improve the environment for plant growth this fall. This year, our Technical Assistance Program (TAP) had the opportunity to transition a portion of the City of Elgin’s historic Lords Park away from synthetic
The Chicago Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
On-field fundraiser promotes pesticide-free play for everyone. 65 percent of natural grass sporting fields receive pesticide applications. “Our high use of pesticides on turfgrass has far-reaching effects for our children, pets, water quality and pollinators,” Ryan Anderson of the non-profit sustainable landscaping initiative Midwest Grows Green (MGG) explained. “We need to ask if these risks
Press Release: “Ground War” Documentary Screening September 9th
Film highlights the human health risks resulting from our desire for “perfect” athletic fields. Find a PDF of this press release at bit.ly/GroundWar21PR You won’t find many men healthier than Andrew Nisker’s father. “My dad was a health nut,” Nisker recalled. “The great outdoors was his playground. He was vibrant and active. His death was
Press Release: Mosquito Barrier Treatments
Research Indicates Mosquito Insecticide Treatments on Individual Properties May Contribute to Mosquito Resistance and Increase the Risk of Vector-Borne Diseases. Chicago, IL, May 19, 2021: Hiring a commercial pest control company to control mosquitoes in your backyard this summer may do more harm than good. “We’ve seen that some of these individual measures reduce
Visit our six new Pesticide-Free Parks!
Six parks, 28 turfgrass acres, will eliminate synthetic pesticide and fertilizer use this year thanks to work by MGG and partners. MGG’s Natural Lawn Care Technical Assistance program and Stonyfield Organic’s #PlayFree program invite you to visit, play and enjoy our combined six parks managed naturally. Read more about each below: Chicago Park District’s Grant
Press Release: Grand Rapids Grows Green
Grand Rapids and local partners work to restore the Grand River by reducing runoff from nearby parks. Grand Rapids residents can enjoy a safer and cleaner Grand River this year thanks to efforts by the city, Sierra Club Grand Rapids and other local organizations to curb nearby pollution. Read more about this effort from the
Press Release: Midwest Grows Green Week
Environmental non-profit helps businesses, municipalities and natural resource districts meet the rising demand for sustainable landscaping March 22-26. From March 22-26, 2021, the environmental non-profit initiative, Midwest Grows Green, will host three sustainable landscaping training and informational webinars during Midwest Grows Green Week. Athletic field managers, lawn and landscaping companies, park and natural resource managers,
10 Topics We’re Most Excited to Learn About During MGG Week…
Our MGG Week Webinars March 22 through 26 will host 18 different speakers and panelists. Each presenter will cover unique sustainable landscaping topics and issues. See below for our list of the most intriguing topics MGG Week will review: March 22nd’s “Adding an Organic Lawn Care Service to Your Business” Webinar, RSVP at bit.ly/MGGolctraining21: Topic #1:
What you will learn during MGG Week…
Hear why you should attend MGG Week webinars from our speakers! Midwest Grows Green (MGG) Week webinars feature 15+ different speakers. So, we asked them why they will participate in this series of educational webinars. Here are their responses: March 22nd’s “Adding an Organic Lawn Care Service to Your Business” Webinar, RSVP at bit.ly/MGGolctraining21: Chip Osborne,
7 ways our LawnandLand.org templates will help your community eliminate synthetic pesticides
On Giving Tuesday, December 1st, Midwest Grows Green (MGG) will directly email our two LawnandLand.org templates to individuals that donate $25 or more at bit.ly/MGGdonation. The two templates of the “Generic IPM Policy” and the “Lawn Maintenance IPM Workplan” help any park district, school district or municipality implement MGG’s seven essential natural lawn care (NLC)