In his last month representing Midwest Grows Green, Ryan Anderson details the most applied pesticides in the lawn and garden sector and the alternatives to these products. It has been a great privilege to lead Midwest Grows Green (MGG) since its start in 2015. At first, I felt overwhelmed learning the concepts, terms and products
Midwest Grows Green’s Spring Whip Around
Midwest Grows Green’s spring involved new pesticide-free parks, continued No Mow May engagement and sustainable landscaping workshops. This spring whip around provides a brief update on each activity. Chicago Park District limits pesticide use for the 15th consecutive year. For the 15th year, the Chicago Park District partnered with MGG to offer park visitors safer
Our Backyard War
The uphill battle against invasive weeds in our parks. Wilmette, Illinois, March 7, 2024 — Wilmette Park District’s 60-acre Gillson Park resides just north of the Baha’I House of Worship. This coastal park includes beaches, an outdoor Ampitheater, youth soccer fields, tennis courts and a wildflower garden. Wilmette Park District and uplandDesign ltd completed a
MGG Technical Assistance Program in Action: Ray Elementary School
MGG transformed a schoolyard of weeds and bare soil to a dense, resilient grass field without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Since the fall of 2022, Midwest Grows Green’s (MGG) Technical Assistance Program has helped Ray Elementary School in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood to restore a section of their schoolyard using sustainable, pesticide-free landscape management. Vytas
No Mow May in Review
Can environmentalists align our messaging to protect pollinators and create healthy greenspaces for all? Midwest Grows Green (MGG) just completed its first year coordinating communication, events and resources in support of the No Mow May movement across Milwaukee. We committed to this effort, because we saw great potential in raising awareness of global pollinator declines
No Mow May Milwaukee 2023
MKE residents plan to limit yard work to increase pollinator productivity. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 24, 2023 – You may see your neighbors let their yards grow tall this May. They didn’t forget to mow. “Many yards across Greater Milwaukee will participate in No Mow May this year,” explained Ryan Anderson, the manager of the 501(c)3 non-profit sustainable
Green Shield Certified for Landscapes
Three companies pilot the first sustainable landscaping certification in the U.S. Madison, Wisconsin, April 10, 2023 – Three companies have taken action to eliminate harmful chemical exposure to people, pets and pollinators by achieving Green Shield Certified (GSC) for Landscapes recognition. The companies of Good Nature Organic Lawn Care, Natural Communities, LLC and Dig Right In Landscaping,
What to know about invasive jumping worms…
Expert Bradley Herrick describes the recent spread of invasive jumping worms and what you can do to protect our greenspaces. 35 states have reported invasive jumping worm presence. University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum’s Ecologist, Bradley Herrick, has raised awareness about this new soil invader. Herrick answered our questions about why we should focus on invasive jumping
Why Participate in No Mow May?
No Mow May leaders across the Midwest share why you should join them in this movement to protect pollinators. Midwest Grows Green (MGG) will lead No Mow May (NMM) efforts across the Midwest. This includes No Mow May Milwaukee and an April 13th presentation with Sierra Club Northwest Cook County. You likely will walk by
Spring Lawn Care FAQ
Despite the snow, MGG’s Ryan Anderson looks ahead by answering your spring lawn care questions. Why is spring lawn care important? Proper spring lawn preparation will set down turfgrass roots that store nutrients and hormones so grass can survive drought conditions in the summer. Your lawn will risk dying if grass does not have deep