
What do you want in a lawn?

Help researchers in Illinois develop informational resources about natural lawn care: Fill out a survey and enter to win an iPad!

Whether or not we realize it, the actions we take to care for our lawns affect the environment. As lawn care relates to water quality, pesticides and fertilizers added to the lawn can runoff and pollute local waterbodies. Additionally, lawn care can negatively affect water quantity, as lawn watering and other outdoor water uses in the summer can account for nearly a third of water used in homes. By implementing natural lawn care practices, you can achieve a healthier and more environmentally-friendly landscape.

One of 33 Sea Grant programs across the U.S., Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG) uses research, outreach and education to connect communities with the latest science regarding issues threatening the health of local waterways and ecosystems. As a part of this mission, IISG’s Lawn to Lake program offers education and training to convey how lawn care decisions play a large role in water quality and the health of aquatic wildlife.

To share lawn care tips that are important to homeowners, researchers at Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and the University of Illinois want to learn about how you manage your lawn and your views toward natural lawn care.

If you are at least 18 years old and play a role in making decisions or caring for your lawn, we would love to hear from you. Our questionnaire will take no longer than 20 minutes, and fully completing the survey before Sunday, June 16th makes you eligible to win one of two iPads!

Take the survey:

If you have questions about this project, you may contact either of the principal investigators, Sarah Zack ( and Lulu Rodriguez ( If you have questions about your rights as a participant, feel free to get in touch with the University of Illinois Office for the Protection of Research Subjects at 217-333-2670 or

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